Take the American Heart Association's 12-week Go Red BetterU Challenge today! Join Julie, Laura, Molly, Pamela, Paula, Renee and Ruthann in this journey to better health. BetterU is a free online tool that provides resources and tools for women who want to improve their health. Start! now so you can be on the path to becoming a BetterU!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Carla on WTHR

Carla did an outstanding job explaining the BetterU Challenge to Angela Cain during WTHR's Focus segment. Watch it here: http://www.wthr.com/story/817967/focus


  1. Carla -- You're a natural! Terrific job!

  2. GREAT job Carla...you represented us all so well. You look great on TV...in 12 weeks you will look even better!

  3. Go Carla Go Carla! You were amazing!
