Take the American Heart Association's 12-week Go Red BetterU Challenge today! Join Julie, Laura, Molly, Pamela, Paula, Renee and Ruthann in this journey to better health. BetterU is a free online tool that provides resources and tools for women who want to improve their health. Start! now so you can be on the path to becoming a BetterU!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It Can’t be Over!

It ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings and I haven’t sung yet! I don’t want the 2011 BetterU program to end yet. I’ve enjoyed getting to know each one of the Challengers (aka The Fab Four) so much and I’m truly going to miss sharing the journey with you. I hope you all come to the wrap-up party next Monday. We’ll have to talk about keeping in touch. Maybe we can go another round of the BetterU program. That sounds like fun to me. Are you up for it? You all have inspired me tremendously by sharing your stories publicly with all of us. Your little lights are shining and I am so proud of you, Annette, Carla, Natale & Peggy! Sandy F.

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