Take the American Heart Association's 12-week Go Red BetterU Challenge today! Join Julie, Laura, Molly, Pamela, Paula, Renee and Ruthann in this journey to better health. BetterU is a free online tool that provides resources and tools for women who want to improve their health. Start! now so you can be on the path to becoming a BetterU!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 10: It’s All in the Family (History)

We can’t control our G’s (genes), but we sure can control our H’s (habits). We can make choices for a healthy future for ourselves and our families. In this week’s program, it suggests that we put our own health first. Many women put the needs of their family first without realizing that they cannot take care of others without taking care of themselves. We should all be role models. This week, my goal is to be an American Heart Association BetterU role model. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m taking the BetterU Challenge right along with the Fab Four and they also know that I have not been as successful as I would like. Well, I just had my AHA moment. I saw that on a commercial and I really thought they were talking about the American Heart Association until I realized that they were talking about “the moment of clarity” or “the moment a solution to a problem becomes crystal clear.” I like using it as my American Heart Association moment – the moment I decided that I will become healthier and stop farting around with all my millions of excuses. In my quest to become a BetterMe, I am going to involve my family and friends so they can each become a BetterU. We’re all in this together. I am also very interested in helping the AHA in their efforts to combat childhood obesity. I plan to learn more about the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the EmpowerME program to help kids and families get healthy. Sandy F.

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