Perhaps the best part, for me, about the heart challenge has been meeting so many wonderful, generous and invested people. After all, it's not like we have to this hard work alone!
To borrow an expression my adorable daughter uses, I looooove me some Dr. Joyce Turkle and the aestheticians at her beautiful, serene offices --- Susan, Amy, Elissa and Cricket, with a shoutout to Cara, too. There is something about being cared for by other women that is very heart-enhancing and healing. I guess the ladies at the American Heart Association knew this, because I remember my husband asking: 'WHY do you have to go to a dermatologist...I thought this was about your HEART." Duh.
Abby J. at Lifetime Fitness is ALWAYS an inspiration and fun and good conversation. The people at Macy's -- thank you Nancy Hancock and others -- were darling last week. Kelly Vaughn at WIBC, Leslie the nutritionist -- it goes on and on. Sandy, Vickie, Michelle, Wendy, Allison -- all peaches. And Dr. Nancy Branyas: you are in my head. You have a special place there. I quote you all the time...
Best of all, of course, are the 4 sweethearts: Amy, Dee, Jessica and Kim. We had a blast shopping and getting makeup done last week -- what a good dose of medicine that was. And frankly, it was a treat I had never had before -- the makeup thing. Wow.
So when I feel discouraged or that it is slow going, I try to remember the love that envelops this project. Sounds corny, I know, but it's true: the challenge is hardly singular (and yet it is -- the paradox) and the support is just so visceral and soheartfelt.
On a practical note, I worked out five times last week, rested this weekend (cooked for the kids) and worked out today with Abby. I know this is a long haul, not a quick fix. Thanks for sharing the burden of my troubles....you are ALL wonderful.
i looooooove you! so proud of youuuuuuuuu.
That's just the kind of inspiration I need! Thanks. I've so enjoyed getting to know you through this process.