In today's mail were the results from my recent bloodwork from Dr. Branyas' office. My first blood draw, on December 8, 2009 showed the following:
Total Cholesterol: 181 (acceptable)
Triglycerides: 116 (acceptable)
HDL (good cholesterol): 40 (low)
LDL (bad cholesterol): 118 (high-ish, especially with my diagnosis of diabetes)
C-Reactive Protein (measure of inflammation that can lead to clogging of the arteries): 8.6 (very high)
The results I got in the mail today showed the following:
Total Cholesterol: 117 (a 64-point drop)
Triglycerides: 86 (a 30-point drop)
HDL (good cholesterol): 35
LDL (bad cholesterol): 65! (53-point drop)
C-Reactive Protein: 2.75 (a near 6-point drop into the average risk range)
So, I still have some work to do getting my good cholesterol up, but I am more than happy with the other results. Nothing could have motivated me more to drop these 4 bothersome pounds before the luncheon than this piece of news. (Trust me, I know that I have at least 50 more than bothersome pounds to deal with after that, but I'm taking baby steps here.)
I think what makes me the happiest is knowing that I was able to do this without depriving myself of everything tasty and without being a slave to the gym.
Have I been deliberate about watching what I eat? Yes. But I've also had ice cream (low fat) and Girl Scout cookies (3, not a whole sleeve) and chips and salsa from time to time. I just make sure those are the exception and not the rule.
And I've found a comfortable rhythm at the gym. I've surprised myself with what I can do and I've tried not to become discouraged by what I cannot do (yet!).
So thank you -- Better U challengers, American Heart Association, my family and friends, blog readers -- for your support. This is not the end of my journey; it's not even the middle. But as my father-in-law would say, "It's a good start!"
Wow, Amy, that is terrific. It shows this works. Wonderful results. Your numbers are greatly encouraging!
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable Amy!!! So proud of you! Now go do some more cardio! ;)
ReplyDeleteTHE Priest
Oops! I totally should have thanked you, Kyle, for your help in this. You really do rock, even if you aren't a real priest. ;) If I could high-five (which I can't because my upper arms are still like jello from yesterday), I would high-five you. My legs work, though, and I did 3 miles on the treadmill this morning.