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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Eating out made easy-plan ahead

I love to cook, but I love to eat out also.  Here's what is working for me; prior planning prevents poor "choices".  Any given Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, following my aerobics class, the next stop is Cracker Barrel.  I know what you are thinking, but it's all in the choices you make. My 81 year old exercise partner and I order from the kids menus. ( The menu states, kids of all ages.)  Our order is always the country vegetable plate - two vegetables, but I always skip the biscuits and corn bread.  My plate consists of a toss salad (without cheese) and green beans. The portions are large and the meal with a tip was only $5.13 including the ice tea. Sometimes I change-up and order the greens or the corn.   A friend was with us today and commented, " How can you eat that without any meat"?  I wanted to say to her, "It's all in what your goals are".

Tonight I'm eating out again with girlfriends for a birthday celebration.  The trick here is, I chose the restaurant.  I knew what health choices would be on the menu.  ( When you can, take the lead and recommend places that will benefit you in term of healthy food choices.)

Last Saturday my daughter and her girlfriend took me to lunch.  I planned ahead by going online to look at the menu at the restaurant.  When we ordered I already know what to choose.  I was mentally ready.  It worked and I enjoyed every bite of my healthy choices.

I've had to work to get to this point.  But this is what works for me.  As we heard in class on Friday, you have to have a "cheat meal" occasionally.  I was glad to hear that.  I'm on the right track and it has worked for me, but I keep my eye on the prize-my goals.

Eat out, but eat smart. 


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