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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

20 minutes of exercise today


OK, maybe 18. Or 17. Fifteen for sure.
And one pound off -- this is using Dr. Nancy Branyas' advice, which is to NOT weigh every day, but rather once a week. That's radically different than anything I've ever done before, which was basically, weigh every 45 minutes or so and keep exercising and/or starving until 3 lbs melted off.
The video workout I'm using now -- which I recommend -- came from HalfPrice Books and is titled YOU The Owner's Manual Workout. As advertised, it contains "three workouts -- hand weights plus cardio" plus 4 simple recipes (do not need that). Two doctors cooked it up; it's good. I especially like it because it involves no machines, just using the body's own motion. There's even one where you get on the ground and have to rise up with the use of only one hand, and you do this 20 or so times -- great for the heart, and great in case you ever fall down.
This is day 3 or day 4 of a cold,but I swear that exercise, Vitamin C, adequate sleep and good thoughts in general are keeping it at bay.
Good day, so far.


  1. I'd like the hand weight workout. I'm looking forward to adding some strength training to the cardio I've been doing. Hope your cold stays away.

  2. I've read the YOU: On A Diet book and loved it... I'll have to look for the workout and would like to re-read the book again for more inspiration.
