Take the American Heart Association's 12-week Go Red BetterU Challenge today! Join Julie, Laura, Molly, Pamela, Paula, Renee and Ruthann in this journey to better health. BetterU is a free online tool that provides resources and tools for women who want to improve their health. Start! now so you can be on the path to becoming a BetterU!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Here we go!

Kimila Finally, the first day of the challenge! I have been so excited to start the program and feel absolutely honored to have been chosen. The GoRed team is fabulous and have made the challengers feel welcomed and supported. My hope is to not only change my lifestyle habits throughout the challenge, but also help others who are feeling a need for change, support, and encouragement along the way.

I came to the challenge because I felt I had abandoned my own health needs and was in hopes of finding a support group to encourage me to commit to a new lifestyle. I think many of us need support and outside networks often are the key to finding new resources to help us with our needs. I have always been involved in physical fitness, but over the last several years have not worked out at all. I find myself tired, apathetic, and making excuses for my lack of involvement.

I had several life "obstacles" over the past several years and found myself not taking care of my needs. I have had the courage to look at these "obstacles" now as opportunities for change and renewal. My father died of a massive heart attack within these years and I wanted to make a choice to change my habits to honor his memory. I had quit smoking for nine years and started smoking again. My biggest challenge will be quitting smoking again.

I am a special education teacher and have been for 20 years. I often give too much of myself to others and tend to neglect myself. I have found that you can only give to others when you give to yourself first. This is a hard lesson for me! Because I tend to be somewhat of an overachiever, I have decided to make smaller goals for myself in beginning the challenge. I have started going to the gym and walking at school. I am trying to also be cognizant of my eating habits since I tend to often neglect eating at all.

So....to launch off the week I have made the following goals:

Walk every morning at school - Go Red launch for the kids - they are doing mathematical calculations of my walking distance in terms of miles. My brother is a teacher in Illinois and my mom a teacher in Iowa - so we are "walking" westward to "see" them. We are planning on writing letters about the challenge and pinpointing our daily distance on a map!

Go to the gym 4 times this week!

Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner - plus 8 glasses of water a day!

Cut down on smoking to 10 a day....I already blew the QUIT on the 1st - but not going to let it stop me!

Be gentle and kind to myself - relaxation and meditation to focus and reassure myself of my worth and commitment to a healthy life

So, come and join us on our journey! We would love to have you alongside us! Go Red Indy!!!


  1. Kimila, I think it is great you are setting such realistic goals for yourself. I know that you can make these changes and am here if you need anything!

    Leslie (dietitian at THCI)

  2. Oh yes, I know a little something about blowing it already. I keep telling myself "Progress, not perfection." Looking forward to progressing together.

  3. We as women always seem to put anything and everyone before ourselves and when it finally comes to "us" we are too over extended to do much to benefit ourselves. I'm happy to be on this journey with you and know that I'm excited to know that we are shooting for the same goal. To change ourselves for the better. :D
