Take the American Heart Association's 12-week Go Red BetterU Challenge today! Join Julie, Laura, Molly, Pamela, Paula, Renee and Ruthann in this journey to better health. BetterU is a free online tool that provides resources and tools for women who want to improve their health. Start! now so you can be on the path to becoming a BetterU!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Can I call a time out?


This has been a tough week. I've had trouble finding my mojo all week. Kind of like my brain has said, "Ok, well that little flirt with fitness was fun, but let's get back to the couch."

So I was headed over here to post a little whine about that when I saw the Better U coaching tool on the side of my personal blog and was reminded that I hadn't checked in there this week. So I clicked it and was taken to a page that said:

"Week 3: Maintaining Momentum!"

Ha ha ha! I swear I'm not making this up.

The lesson of the week talked a lot about tracking food and activity choices, which I have been doing. Even when I have to write down that I ate 3 pieces of fudge that some meanie who I'm sure wants to see me fail brought in to the office. (See what kind of mood I'm in?)

I don't recall if the lesson addressed what to do when your husband is downsized (anyone need a good graphic designer/social media guru?), your cat needs $400 surgery immediately and your son fails his hearing screening at school. (I was skimming the content because I have exactly 9 minutes to finish this post and get out the door for 4 hours worth of kids' basketball and volleyball games.) But I'm pretty sure it did not advise cozying up to the Edy's Slow Churned Chocolate Fudge Chunk.

When prompted to set my goals for the week, here's what I came up with (the first two were just click here type goals and since I'm already doing the second one, I'd figure I'll take credit for it):

My Goals
  1. Lowering Your Heart Disease Risk Goal: This week, I will register for the Heart360 Cardiovascular Wellness Center so that I can keep track of my heart numbers.
  2. Making Lasting Changes Goal: I will begin to monitor my makeover this week by testing out a log (online log, calendar, paper journal) for tracking my minutes of physical activity or food/beverage intake.
  3. I will find and post a motivational saying or picture somewhere that will keep me moving.
  4. I will go to bed by 10:30pm every night.
I'm open to suggestions for #3. Got a favorite you'd like to share? And number 4? Well, I'm just feeling so exhausted by life at the moment that I figured a little extra shut eye couldn't hurt.

Which brings me to:

My Rewards
  1. A nap.
Seriously. It's cheap and easy. Exactly what I need right now. But I promise, no nap unless I've already exercised for the day.

So that's where I am. It's not pretty, but it's real.


  1. Ok - you are crackin' me up! And at the same time it is good to know we feel each other's pain. This coming to me now..."we are as good as our best effort and beyond" so keep it going - you deserve to treat yourself well! Luv the picture...primal scream...lol. Be well today!

  2. Thank you for these information.There were very useful for me.Looking forword to read your next post

  3. "You did the best you could. And when you knew better, you did better." Maya Angelou

    Fight through it, Amy! I'm sturggling, too, but am working to get back on track this week!

  4. I like that quote, Liz. Thanks!

  5. Amy I couldn't have said it better, it's been a little bit of a challenge after a good couple of weeks, your body is like "Are we there yet," but we keep pressing full speed ahead. That is when it's going to matter most!! Good Job!!
