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Friday, March 25, 2011

Water, Water Everywhere!

So, I found out from personal trainer Cody something I already knew: I'm not drinking enough water. Like any healthy habit (or lack thereof), it's easy to come up with a reason why you are not doing what you should. In this case, I trace it back to my two pregnancies, when I had morning...really all-day....sickness so bad that I would vomit up water. Since then, it's been hard for me to drink water like I used to pre-pregnancies.
What I like about Cody is that he is reasonable...he didn't say "Let's get you to drink 3 gallons of water each day," instead he suggested starting with a goal of 32 oz a day. I like goals, guidelines and challenges, so his words did help me this week.
I took my wonderful insulated water bottle to work, where we have a chilled water dispenser. I keep water in my car at all times, so that if I drink as I'm running around every day, I can really knock back a few ounces.
I know the benefits of drinking water include digestive health, curbing the appetite, staving off dehydration...and one that really speaks to me: great looking skin!
So if you can incorporate more water into your daily routines, take a dive with me into h2o health!

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